Online Courses

Online Courses

All students must pass one online course as part of Florida Department of Education's Graduation Requirements. 

• Course may be 0.5 credit OR 1.0 credit in length, as long as it is the complete course. For example, Driver's Education is 0.5 credit, but HOPE is 1.0 credit. Completing either of these courses will satisfy the online course requirement.

• Courses taken online through Valencia, UCF, or UF dual enrollment satisfy this requirement.

• Students who complete the Cambridge AICE Diploma curriculum are exempt from this requirement.

Search for a list of courses to take:

OCVS School Year Course Catalog

Popular courses students take on OCVS -

HOPE, Driver's Education, Peer Counseling


(For classes not offered through OCVS, students may search FLVS Course Catalog).